ALEKS is recognized for its use of Artificial Intelligence as a learning mode. It has also received plenty of backlash from students and parents equally as not ideal for learning. Some assertions may be correct, while some are debatable. Here are a few disadvantages that have been linked to using ALEKS;
Encourages avoidance behavior
Students struggling with Aleks’ content might not be a good fit for the self-paced platform, as they will keep postponing some topics. Compared with the traditional class, there is a set limit to mastering one subject before progressing to the next. Therefore, with time, students will skip the content until the end, and in some cases, they might not finish the course. We encourage students to use our online homework doer AI for easy solutions.
Lack of Conceptual understanding and Practicability of topics taught
ALEKS tends to consistently ask questions on the same topics, and thus, you gain points by getting the problems right, ending your learning. It moves to the next issue and proceeds with a similar system to the former problems. Therefore, at the end of the session, students have a notion of Math being about methods and formula rules. Unlike a live meeting with your instructor, who will explain the practicability of concepts learned while giving you examples and situations, you will use the concepts you learn.
Working through problems can generally consume your time. Moreover, solving questions can halt when the Knowledge checks tabs keep popping up. The assignments given by your instructor through ALEKS can, hence, take longer to complete as you interact with the platform. ALEKS also tends to be biased when tackling the question, with the proficient student spending less time, but the ones with math problems find it hard and consume their time working on them. Therefore, end up spending less time on key extracurricular activities. It has also been linked to making you start over just for getting one answer wrong.
Students in various institutions must pay a certain fee to take ALEKS courses. The price is deemed to be expensive both by students and parents. The fact that the program is mandatory for some courses requires expensive bills to be paid all the same.
Glitchy design
Attempting questions of comprehensive subjects like ALEKS Chemistry for College level and the steps taken to tackle these problems is crucial. The multi-step calculations usually earn you points in a traditional classroom, with every critical step being marked. In the ALEKS platform, a single error in the program takes away the credit for previous correct answers. Numerous student reviews have sometimes claimed that it may count correct answers as wrong.
ALEKS may form part of your class requirement and may be time-consuming, and you will spend lots of time working on the platform. We are here to help you search for someone to do your Aleks homework. “We are a team of experts with excellent knowledge working for plenty of students across the globe.